Ordination of priests in Madrid / September 20, 2020.


At 11 a.m. on Saturday, September 19, 2020, in the San Antonio del Retiro parish church in Madrid, Mons. José Cobo Cano, auxiliary bishop of Madrid, conferred the Order of Priests on our Franciscan brothers, Fray José Daniel Llácer Ibáñez (Ayacor, Valencia, 1959) and Fray Miguel Ángel Coronado Velarde (Madrid 1972), from the Zaragoza and Cáceres fraternities, respectively.

Despite the time of stormy downpours that we suffer these days in the capital, aggravating the restrictive measures recently adopted in the face of the advance of coronavirus infections, the presence of friars, family members and friends of José Daniel and Miguel Ángel in the celebration was significant. The bishop repeatedly exhorted to give thanks for the new gift that Christ made to his Church in this time of pandemic, with more austere and less crowded rites, but that will mark the ministry of the elect, whom he recognized for their personal trajectory, mission and the charisma with which he was equipped before his admission to the priesthood.

The candidates were presented by Friar Juan Carlos Moya Ovejero, Provincial Minister, who was concelebrating with the Bishop together with the guardian of the local fraternity, Friar Saturnino Vidal Abellán, and some thirty priests of the Province and some of the secular clergy. They were joined by relatives of the ordinands, including Miguel Ángel’s father and sister, with relatives and friends of José Daniel; our students from Murcia, who served the altar; several Poor Clare sisters and other friars from a good portion of convents. The parish choir, led by Fray Manuel J. Madueño Moreno, parish priest of Cristo de la Paz, in the Carabanchel neighborhood, and several women from the parish, regular cooperators, took part.

Returning to their places of origin, after participating in the fraternal agape that was served in the crypt of the church, the misacantanos already celebrate their first Masses surrounded by family, friends and fraternities of the three Franciscan orders.

Go, therefore, with these lines the praise of Christ, high and eternal priest, and the intercession of our supplications so that, to whom the teacher entrusts the task of sanctifying, instructing and guiding, they do not decline in their ministry and in the ardor of its delivery.


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