Saturday 2nd week of Easter
Gospel of Saint John 6, 16-21
At night the disciples, used to work on the lake, experience a moment of panic because of the rough sea and, also, because of the vision of Jesus walking on the water approaching them. Until they hear the reassuring words: «It’s me, don’t be afraid.» But the outcome remains mysterious: we are not told whether Jesus gets into the boat or not, but they arrive at their destination and serenity prevails. As in the case of the miraculous catches, when Jesus is not with them, their effort is useless and they have no peace. When Jesus approaches, calm returns and the work is fully effective.
The scene of the Gospel will also be reflected at some time, not only in our personal life, but in that of the community: the boat can be a symbol of our life or also of the ecclesial community.
When it gets dark in every way, when the opposite wind picks up and events get rough, when everything comes together against us and we lose heart: when this happens, we no longer have Jesus on board -because we are distracted or because he hides his presence from us – it is not strange that we lose the peace and the direction of the journey. If, in spite of everything, we knew how to recognize the closeness of the Lord in our history, be it peaceful or turbulent, it would be much easier for us to regain our calm.
So, every time we celebrate the Eucharist, the Risen One makes himself present to us in the gathered community, he gives himself to us as a saving Word, and – which is the height of closeness and self-giving – he himself gives himself to us as food for our road. It is true that his presence is always mysterious, ungraspable, as for the disciples of that time.
But by faith we have to know how to hear the phrase that is repeated so many times with its variations in the Bible: «It is me, do not be afraid.» We would arrive at the beach calmly, and from each Mass we would draw courage and conviction for the rest of the day, because the Lord is with us, even if we do not see Him with human eyes.
Fr. Antony Majeesh George Kallely, OFM