Peace and well
Gospel of saint John 14, 7-14
We, like Philip, have not seen the Father. And furthermore, unlike Philip, we have not seen Jesus either. Although he already told us that «blessed are those who believe without having seen.»
But we do believe in it. We follow him as the true Master. We eat it like the true Bread. We let ourselves be guided by it, which is the true Light. And we know that we are on the right path for life, to reach God.
In the Eucharist we have a sacramental experience of the presence of Jesus Christ in our lives: an experience that helps us to know how to «see» him also present throughout our days, in the person of our neighbor, in our work, in our joys and pains. Convinced that united to him, «we will also do the works that he does, and even greater,» as he told us today.
Fr. Antony Majeesh George Kallely, OFM.
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