Thursday third week of Easter
Gospel of Saint John 6, 44 – 51
Jesus, discourse in the Capernaum synagogue goes on, progressing toward its fullness. The main idea is still today that of faith in Jesus, as a condition for life. The phrase that best sums it up is v. 47: «I assure you, he who believes has eternal life.» Faith is a gift from God, which is responded to with personal decision.
Within this discourse on faith in Jesus there is an objection from the listeners – which is not read in the selection of the Mass – which reflects well what Jesus’ intention was. They murmured and wondered: «How can he say that he has come down from heaven?» (v. 42). What scandalized many was that Jesus, whose origin and parents they believed they knew, presented himself as the one sent by God, and that one had to believe in him to have life.
At the end of today’s reading, the discourse seems to change. The verb «eat» has begun to sound. The new repetition: «I am the living bread» now has another development: «the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.» Where Jesus gave his flesh for the life of the world was mostly on the cross.
When we celebrate the Eucharist, welcoming the Word and participating in the Body and Blood of Christ, we are fortunate that we do «see, come and believe» in him, we recognize him, and we also know that the faith we have is a gift of God, it is he who attracts us.
We have reasons to rejoice and feel that we are on the path of life: that we already have life in us, because Jesus Christ himself communicates it to us with his Word and with his Eucharist. The life that he obtained for us when he gave his flesh on the cross for the salvation of all and in which he wanted us to be able to participate in the Eucharist by celebrating the memorial of the cross.
We believe in Jesus and we receive him sacramentally: is this really helping us to live the day happier, stronger, more full of life? Because the purpose of everything is to live with him, like him, in union with him.
Fr. Antony Majeesh George Kallely, OFM