Saint Luke 4, 38-44: Numerous healings of Jesus.

In today’s Gospel, what Jesus announced in Nazareth he is fulfilling. There he said, applying the prophecy of Isaiah, that he had come to announce salvation to the poor and to heal the blind and free the oppressed. Indeed, today we read the program of a day of Jesus «leaving the synagogue»: he cures Peter’s mother-in-law of her fever, lays down his hands and heals the sick who are brought to him, liberates those possessed by the devil and he never tires of going from town to town «announcing the kingdom of God.» In between, find moments of peace to pray personally in a lonely place. Of course, the Kingdom is already here. The saving force of God has begun to act through his Messenger, Jesus.

Good program for a Christian and especially for an apostle. «When we leave the synagogue», that is, «when we leave our mass or our prayer», a day of work, of preaching and evangelization, of healing service to others and at the same time of personal prayer awaits us. Do we help people get rid of the fever? What to free yourself from your depressions and evils? Do we serve those who come to us, welcoming them with our word and dedicating our time to them? Do we feel compelled to continue announcing the good news of the Kingdom, whatever the success of our endeavours? And do we do it all in a climate of prayer?

We can review two significant features of this page. Jesus, in the middle of a day with an intensive schedule of work and missionary dedication, finds moments to pray alone. And he does not want to «settle» in a place where he has been well received: «I also have to announce the kingdom of God to other peoples.» So that we avoid two dangers: exaggerated activism, neglecting prayer, and the temptation to remain in the environment in which we are well received, neglecting the universality of our mission.

Evangelizing Christ. Liberating Christ. Praying Christ. Fixing our eyes on him, who is our model and teacher, we will learn to live his same lifestyle. Letting ourselves be free from our fevers and helping others to find their true happiness in Jesus.

Peace and good

Br. Antonio Majeesh George Kallely, OFM.

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